Friday, August 26, 2011

What is Existence?

What is Existence?
(How to improve it…)

Well Get in Line… This question seems to trump everyone, when we try to grasp, what actually is beyond our reach… As keep in mind we are finite sentient beings, with a limited capability to understand “Everything.” Did not our so-called God, state in replete terms that to try to understand him was futile, and beyond our ability? If you are a person of ideological faith, you would be wise to take note…

If you believe you can understand existence through faith, superstition, mythology, mathematics or the physics of Relativity, Space-Time, Momentum space, quantum or Phase Space, String Theory or just by simply unifying the four known forces: Again – Get in a Very Long Line, one in which you will contribute to the discussion and produce some often positive results, but will miss asking the right question. And that question is fundamental to understanding, to truth, to ad infinitum fact, that you will never as a finite being or even an infinite being, if such a thing were possible, have the capability to Understand the answer to this Question: What is Existence? Beyond the intuitive knowledge that you will never know, save for your common sense that it is real, just as you experience pain, and joy.

That simple.

And to review all of the models that attempt to assume they may find the “Theory of Everything”, is a pondering, that will bear fruit, just as a whittler improves at his craft through the years, but the whittler will never reach perfection. But the fruit, the beauty of the Rainbow, not the end pot of gold, is the true gold or reward - that will improve our lives, balanced with a single guideline as we forever scientifically discover, and that guideline is the “Golden Rule.”

Unify these elements (Knowledge/Golden Rule), and we will treat ourselves and others better, far beyond any leader, potentate or politician’s wanting chatter.

And by the way, this should raise an eyebrow or two: The four known forces are already “unified.” Yet we have missed the core of that issue: Gravities “Variability” or the relative nature of Gravity. Once this is more fully understood, the four-forces will be unified on paper, but it will not change our understanding of the universe or of our existence. Unity or Unification of Existence must be of a combining the Infinite with the Finite, and that is, as I have said for years - is a twain that shall never meet.” They will co-exist as they must to provide the balance to existence itself, but they are as separate as separate can be. One is “Limited” and One is “Omniscient”. One has an Alpha and an Omega, and One has no Alpha or Omega. One is comprehensible and one is forever non-comprehensible.

If you were able to transcend from the finite to the infinite, you would no longer have knowledge, ego, hope, joy, pain or suffering, as these are all based on definitions which have limits, and the infinite has no limits. In fact the infinite may be all of the things I have mentioned, but you would never have the awareness to know it, as that would define you as an entity, and to be an entity, would make you by definition “Finite.” This conundrum, this paradox is the power of existence and its reality, that will defy all attempts to define existence, as once defined, it hence becomes finite. That is a thought equation that will never be trumped.

So the quest for the “Theory of Everything”, while I consider critical and essential to better our everyday finite life, is not a realistic prize that has an end. It is a prize by those who are committed to the journey and what that journey produces for all of us - along the way.

So I say: Here – Here !!!: to Knowledge, as Knowledge has unlocked the world from many a mythological torment, and brought us forward into the honest fruits of our minds better natures and to a better life and into the light of truth.

Just because we must acknowledge many fragmented and miss-guided efforts in our experience to learn, we only better ourselves through humility in that process, coupled with the knowledge gained; as our commitment is strengthened as the fabric of the truly caring and strength of character is born as we continue to whittle away. For to give up in the pursuit of knowledge is to give up on goodness, is to give up on what some might call - a so-called God. I harbor no ill-will to the motivations of knowledge, as long as they are balanced with that single issue I raised before, the Golden Rule.

Please never give up. For once we do, we give in and let the tyrants of truth, and the ideologues of ancient times who selfishly ran the world, rear their heads again. That is where we came from, and shame on anyone not willing to introspectively move forward – always… And put the attributes and attitudes of children behind us, as now we are adults and should behave as such...

Today we see a resurgence of such ideological faith based neophytes detracting us away from knowledge, causing heinous harm to themselves and others by blowing themselves up in the name of Allah or God for a cause or causes for which all rationality is lost, and completely devoid of the “Golden Rule.” We must through knowledge and the unity that technology can manifest put an end to this horror. No Government, Individual, Religion or Culture, should be allowed to trump the Golden Rule, and the intrinsic nature of goodness for their culture. If they do, they should be institutionalized to protect the rest of the world from misguided horror and harm. This should be a global principle to protect the unprotected.

Just imagine, if someday these so-called ideological vultures who prey on the poor and ignorant - to do their evil deeds, where met by people with an education, who had the advanced science that provided universal “Energy” to run their homes and shelters. I dare say these vultures would meet a more unified and decent world, with greater equality and means to defeat these demagogues of truth. Education and technology would unite these heretofore improvised in spirit, purpose, and provide a decent means of living to unify with others more fairly and it would limit the power of selfish leaders. Knowledge, education, technology on a ubiquitous level will change this world. It will not be done with guns, bombs or politicians. It will be done with Science and the practical caring for others. And I will say it again: The Golden Rule, that is at the core of nearly all religions, but has been manipulated by many selfish clergy, monks and mullah’s. This is the world we are in today: We are today, so advanced and mature from our cruel past and yet still so selfish and corrupt in so many parts of the world. Science can stop this cruelty. To that end I am going to suggest some hopes for the future through the improvement of Science, as I continue review the of “What is Existence?”

It is critical to note that the “Four known Forces” (Electromagnetic, Gravity, Weak, Strong) seem to drive so much conversation and interest as the missing link, has appeared to be, “Quantum Gravity.” However, take it from me! I disagree as I have already stated! Big surprise: Let me explain why one more time, In brief:

Gravity is Variable or Relative, even though it is considered the weakest of all the four forces.
In other words at the quantum level it is supremely weak, and possibly impacted as well by the force of quarks, protons, electrons, dark energy and dark matter, and the list goes on. Given its extreme weakness it is superseded by other forces at work.
However move Gravity to the arena of a Black Hole and it currently from what we understand today supersedes every other force. It is so strong, not even a photon or light can theoretically escape.

In summary: Due to the variability of the strength of gravity based on its environment, it is unified with the other 3 forces.
Fundamental is the points I have already made about the Infinite and the Finite above as well. We need to grasp this central issue as well, to understand that the term “Unification” is a vagary, as something’s will be unified and other things will simply not be. There are known’ s and there are forever going to be unknowns. To assume beyond this premise - spends some wasted mental energy…

Now to close this essay on “What is Existence”, as I have said the pursuit of knowledge is at the core of changing our existence for the better. So I would like to end with a subject based on that issue. So my second subject relates to “Smart Energy Now”, of which I have written about before. But I am going to share it again, to hopefully find some traction, and the right people to move this forward.

Here is an outline of some of the reasons why – along with some brief details:

Smart Energy Now…

Natural Forces in nature provide multiple endless Energy models, without expending fossil fuels. Is anyone willing to work with me, who has a physics background?

What will it accomplish?

Evolution on a monumental scale. Migrating from a fossil fuel world to an automated world devoid of expending fossil fuels. It will overnight, in unbounded terms, provide universal energy to the entire world, not just the industrialized nations or emerging nations. It will provide a unifying playing field for the people of all nations to find more common options in which to better communicate and improve our common understanding and standard of living.

Note: Even I believe these ideas sound as if I have a large dose of megalomania lodged into my grey matter, but it simply needs to be tested and moved forward. Even if I am only 90% correct, it could change energy production as we currently understand it today.

Why is it important?

To improve life, to advance conservation of precious fossil fuels for other uses. To change the world and provide it with greater possibilities. To liberate. As well as dramatically control carbon emissions from the planet, coupled with enabling universal energy to all individuals or societies who either require or desire it.

What are the anticipated outcomes?

Virtually near- free recycled-energy and or regenerated energy, provided by the current clean and robust elements of energy, such as “gravity”, “electrostatics”, “magnetism”. And all that implies.

What will be its enduring impact?

Forever alter the social structures and thereby the social requirements of the world. In other words energy provided on an equal playing field for all people will in effect tie us all closer together in function and in equal choices. It would theoretically replace monopolies and cartel’s with freedom. As well as being groundbreaking for all of physics, and all sciences in general.

Further Project Description:

This project began with me as a child, trying to figure out how to automatically run my tricycle and my little green army jeep that required peddling a wheel or armature bar to turn the wheels. I was obviously a lazy kid that did not desire to labor too much – taking too much physical laboring to peddle thru the sidewalks and streets – in my youthful days!

I remember constructing the concept, using magnets, and then let the idea fade as I entered school and grew-up as a young man going to school and then on to my working career. Just before I retired, I was still intrigued by the idea, and began to construct the project in my garage, with some success. However I soon realized I needed a physics partner with a background in electronics, especially electrostatics and the mathematics to aid in the assumptions as well as scribe in the language of science – the calculated results.

And as I knew that would take some higher levels of mathematical language, certainly beyond my expertise.

These multiple ideas of automatic energy, from my youth that I mused about, once detailed will give away the intellectual property, to anyone with a hint of conceptual capability. I am very willing to give the intellectual property away, but would like to work on the project.

In simple terms, you may think it violates the fundamental thermodynamic entropy theology, which we have all been indoctrinated with.

By the way I consider thermodynamic science more a theology and manifest scotoma in our lexicon, rather than a fact. In my own humble opinion physics is incalculable, and to rely on definitions, is to limit physics or existence itself. Neither have limits, therefore – in my puny assumptive world – Physics is forever a living definition, as well as a fixed proof. Much as “Infinity is both sides of the same coin – at once.”

Therefore I will fundamentally argue that thermodynamic entropy is relative for “like” for “like” kinetic actions: which will diminish “force”, as it today properly outlines.

However if you change the “Like for Like” concepts when generating energy, you change the rules by which “thermodynamic entropy” was developed. In other words, If you use two dimensions to generate kinetic energy, complemented in equal response to one dimension, generating its own energy. You alter or augment the output energy produces. Hence the “like for like” action = reaction is modified and the results are not like for like. Action can multiply Re-action. This provides for a gear ratio that augments energy output using natural forces. As well as other forces (fossil fuels too.)

This process using natural forces, such as Electrostatics, Magnetism and Gravity, among other natural stores of energy in a form which is non-relative or in other words using a differential gear –ratio that trumps lost energy. This does so by way of leveraging opposite dimensions and gravity. Thus it changes the scientific or theological rules that constricted the methods used to define generic thermodynamics. In other words thermodynamics becomes truly dynamic, rather than static.

My clumsy written formulas: ( See D, G, 1D, CM, etc. definitions in “Bold” below )1. Electrostatics created by: D² + G in Linear 1D = CM2. M+ (+ & -) + G = CM * Note, Electrostatics could be included to augment output.3. Combination of both formula’s to leverage ultimate energy output potential.

D = Dimensions G = Gravity CM = Continuous Motion E= Electrostatics 1D = 1 Dimension

Simply stated: It combines linear and non-linear actions to produce energy that is continuous.

NOTE: Two basic methods: 1. G&E (Gravity & Electrostatics) 2. M+G (Magnetism & Gravity)

Stated in another fashion, there are 2 forms of possible methods: 1) independent of electrostatics which uses Gravity and Magnetism) and 2 with the use of electrostatics in combined ways to achieve natural energy from natural forces:1. Form: A Uses Dimensions x 2 (Down and Side to Side) run by Gravity (Non-Linear) generating electrostatics combined with a linear (Up) Dimension.

This Linear and non-linear interaction provides the mechanisms to create a gear ratio that multiplies itself. Hence you gain continuous motion which could then provide for heat and other outputs to generate endless energy.2. Form: B Uses both positive and negative Magnetism in graduated powers, to direct motion in an upward direction opposing gravity, and then uses electrostatics captured in the downward thrust to leverage additional energy, and then re-deployed again and again by magnetism alone in an upward motion.

Note, the “electromagnetism” is not necessary, but a natural benefit that should be leveraged from the simple process of motion ( That both Gravity and Motion provide for).Variations of these forms of operations are dependent on mechanical engineering.

Additionally, electrostatics can be enhanced by using a circular glass ball for instance, with other internal triboelectric materials to augment the energy produced beyond the direct gravity effects of tribolelectic stimulus, using for example a Teflon tube and a glass ball.

These two materials: 1) “Glass” and 2)”Teflon” are near opposites for electron transfer on the triboelectric scale, which generate electrostatics. The electrostatics would be captured within a capacitor for electric generation.

NOTE: I use the term “continuous motion”, vs. “perpetual motion”, since all mechanical matter decomposes (wears out). Perpetual is generally an accurate statement, save matter decay; for which at that point – motion ceases.

Thermodynamics fundamentally proposes that you cannot squeeze blood from a turnip. Or in other words, energy depletes, and will not sustain itself. But if you change the mechanical genetics of the turnip, you can. Metaphorically, and practically that can be accomplished when Energy and Matter are merged together in a completely clean and virtually innocuous manner.

Simply you apply 3 dimensional forces in a manner which leverages 2 dimensions against or in complement to 1 dimension. Nature working at its best. That Simple.

With the “continuous motion” of matter, then heat or additional motion receptors can be activated generating excess energy, superseding the level of energy required to generate this continuous motion of matter. Thus continuous energy is produced by way of natural forces: (Gravity / Magnetism / Electrostatics).

Sounds highly improbable – given current thinking, but intellectually it is quite plausible. Again, my goal is to work with a lab of scientist’s to pursue this objective, as I have outlined above. It may seem obscure, but once I share the simple mechanics of this idea, I hope you will find it of interest and most importantly possible.

If it is possible, the world changes. I know it sounds in large part to be more than just a bit delusional, but even if we leverage 90% of this potential, we succeed beyond what exists today and provide for the clean and necessary energy the world depends upon.

Ultimate objectives and gains:

Secondarily this project, if actualized, would certainly secure a Nobel Prize, due to its unique utilization of “continuous motion” and would therefore support the investment returns to the philanthropists and scientists involved.

Foremost it will be “humanity changing” for the good. Providing a leap in the advance of science and living standards for the people of this world. It will expedite the integration of humanity buy tying us together via sources of energy necessary to improve communication and common living standards that would better integrate the world.

Coupled with the saving of fossil fuels for other uses, combined with less pollution. And in that process it would hopefully improve understanding and common cause among us all, rather than living with the continuing social divides that hinder those decent objectives.

In sharing these thoughts on the potentials for energy production with new methodologies, it is my objective to hopefully find someone seriously interested to pursue these ideas.

Simply and profoundly that is my end goal. These concepts are actually basic, and the mechanics I have in mind to build a working model, would not be difficult given access to scientists in the area of physics, and electrostatics’ along with some very common materials.


We exist because of the concept called a “Paradox.” Paradoxes have no answers, they can never be broken. They are the infinite fuel of existence itself.

Combined with Knowledge, we change the world, we change Existence…

Thanks for listening, Russ Otter
Posted by russotter at 8:39 PM 0 comments

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